Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

Index Index
Index Index

Hip swing, 129–130, 130f
History of yoga, 1–7
health effects, 4–5
Upaniads, 2
Vedas, 2
Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali, 2–3, 9–10
Hypermobility, pathological, 19

Iliosacral joints
complex mobilization exercises,
121–122, 121f
mobilization exercises, 120–121,
120 f, 121f
tests for, 21
Ilium, 120
sitting, 43
supine, 43
diaphragm, 37–38
muscles, 38
Prāāyāma, 41
Inner stillness, Prāāyāma, 44
lumbar spine, 19
pathological, 19
Integrated wrist mobilization, 115–116,
115 f, 116f
Internal respiration, 36
Ischium, 120
Iyengar, B K S, 4
Yoga - The Path to Holistic
Health, 11
Iyengar, Geeta, 4

Jānu Śı̄rāsana, 195–197, 195f, 196f
basic work, 196
props, 196–197, 196f
refined work, 196
Jaw, relaxed, 108–109
Joints, 6

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 14–15
Kaha Upaniad, 2
Knee, anatomy, 134
Knee exercises, 134–139
bent-knee stability, 138, 138f
deep knee bend, 137–138, 137f
extension finetuning, 134
lower leg rotation, 135–136, 136f
mobile patella, 135
posterior knee, 135, 135f

Knee exercises (Continued)
rhythmic knee movement, 134
stability, 134
stable knees, 136–137, 136f
stable knees, standing, 136–137
triangle, 138–139, 139f
Knee hug position, 51
Knee hug rotation, lumbar spine
exercises, 55, 55f
Knee hug side-bending variation, lumbar
spine exercises, 55f, 56, 56f
Kneeling, forward-bent, 51
Knees, tests for, 20
Kośas, mindful exercising, 14

Larynx, 36
Leaning over chair back, thoracic spine
exercises, 81, 81f
The little boat, thoracic spine exercises,
78–79, 78f
Long neck, cervical spine exercises,
102–103, 102f
Low back pain, lumbar spine exercises, 52
Lower leg rotation, 135–136, 136f
Lumbar spine, instability, 19
Lumbar spine exercises, 52–67
abdominal strength, 53–54, 53f
arched and hollow back with
side-bending, 59–60, 60f
baby back-bends, 62–63, 62f, 63f
balance on the side, 61–62, 61f, 62f
coachman relaxation, 58–59, 58f, 59f
four-point kneeling, 64–65, 64f, 65f
knee hug rotation, 55, 55f
knee hug side-bending variation,
55 f, 56, 56f
low back pain, 52
lumbopelvic stability, 52–53
mobilizing exercises, 52
muscle strengthening, 52
rhythmic relaxation, 54–55, 54f
roll your back, 56–57, 56f
roll your back on chair, 57–58, 57f, 58f
shoulder bridge and variations, 65–67,
65 f, 66f
side-bending strength, 60–61, 61f
stick on four roots, 63–64, 63f, 64f
Lumbopelvic stability, lumbar spine
exercises, 52–53
Lungs, 36

Marıcyā ̄sana III, 197–198, 197f
basic work, 197
refined work, 197

Mindful exercising, 5, 9–16
breathing, 41
kośas, 14
refinement, 14
śarıras, 14̄
teaching of, 15–16.
see also Mindfulness
automatic actions, 13
breathing, 12
Buddhist tradition, 12
meaning of, 19
practical exercises, 15–16
psychological aspects, 12–13
teaching of, 15–16
theories of, 9–15
in yoga tradition, 9–11
Zen tradition, 12.
see also Mindful exercising
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
(MBSR), 14–15
Mini-back bend, thoracic spine exercises,
76, 76f
Mobile head on spine, 103–105, 103f,
104 f
Mobile patella, 135
Mobility testing, 19
Mobilization exercises
atlanto-occipital area, 105, 105f
iliosacral joints, 120–121, 120f, 121f
complex, 121–122, 121f
lumbar spine exercises, 52
Motivation, 18, 27–34
behaviour control, 33
daily life, transfer to, 32
delayed reward, 30
environment effects, 28
goal intentions, 28
habit consolidation, 32
immediate reward, 30
implementation intentions, 28
memory tools, 31–32
positive attitude, 32
practical measures, 28–33
questions, 29–30
self-control strategies, 28
small steps, 28–29
Mountain pose see Tāāsana
basic exercises, 50–51
habitual, 13
relearning of, 30
Muscles, 6
breathing, 37–38
expiration, 38
inspiration, 38
Muscle strengthening, lumbar spine
exercises, 52
Musculoskeletal system, examination, 18
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