Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1
IndexIndex IndexIndex


Naarājāsana, 204–206, 205f
basic work, 205
props, 206
refined work, 205–206
long, 102–103, 102f
strong, 106–107, 107f, 108f
Neutral lumbopelvic position, 50
Neutral position, 50
Niyama, 3, 151–152
Nose, sensitive, 110, 110f
Nutrition, 224


Oxygen–carbon dioxide exchange,
breathing, 39


Palming, eye exercises, 111, 111f
Parıghā ̄sana, 165–167, 167f
basic work, 166
props, 166–167, 168f
refined work, 166
variations, 167
Parivtta Trikoāsana, 172–174
basic work, 173
props, 173–174, 174f
refined work, 173
Pārśvottānāsana, 168–169, 168f, 169f
basic work, 169
props, 169, 169f
refined work, 169
variations, 169
Parvatāsana in Sukhāsana, 185–186,
186 f, 187f
variation, 186–188
Passage of air, breathing, 36
Patañjali, 9–10
Yoga Sūtras, 2–3, 9–10
Pathological hypermobility, 19
Pathological instability, 19
Pelvic torsion, correction, 123, 123f
Pelvis exercises, 120–125
correcting pelvic torsion, 123, 123f
psoas stretch, 122–123, 122f
symphysis pubis mobilization,
124, 124f
Pendulum exercises standing, shoulder
girdle exercises, 85–86, 85f, 86f
Pharynx, 36
Plantar flexion, 50
Pleura, 36, 39
Positioning, feet, 50

Prāāyāma, 3, 37–38, 151–152
basic movements, 40
deep exhalation sitting, 43–44
deep exhalation supine, 43
deep inhalation sitting, 43
deep inhalation supine, 43
exhalation, 41
inhalation, 41
inner stillness, 44
modern research, 41
resting position, 44–45
sitting position, 42, 42f
supine, supported position, 41–42, 42f
Pratyāhāra, 3, 10, 151–152
Precision, 5
Pronation, elbow, 50
Prone position, 51
Props, 5, 48, 152
Adho Mukha Śvānāsana, 181, 181f
Adho Mukha Vkāsana, 207,
207 f, 208f
Ardha Candrāsana, 165, 165f
Baddha Koāsana, 193f, 194–195,
194 f
Bakāsana, 183, 183f
Bharadvājāsana I, 200
Halāsana, 216, 216f
Jānu Śı̄rāsana, 196–197, 196f
Naarājāsana, 206
Parıghā ̄sana, 166–167, 168f
Parivtta Trikoāsana, 173–174, 174f
Pārśvottānāsana, 169, 169f
Śalabhāsana, 202f, 203
Sālamba Sarvāgāsana, 214, 214f, 215f
Sālamba Śır̄āsana, 211
Śavāsana, 220, 220f
Sukhāsana, 185, 185f
Supta Pādāgu hāsana, 212
Tāāsana, 155
Triag Mukhaikapāda Paścimottānāsana,
192–193, 192f
rdhva Mukha Śvānāsana, 201–202,
201 f
U rāsana, 174–175, 204
Utkaāsana, 175
Uttānāsana, 177, 177f
Utthita Trikoāsana, 159, 159f
Utthita Pārśvakoāsana, 163
Viparıta Karā ı, 218̄
Vırabhadrā ̄sana I, 171, 171f
Vırabhadrā ̄sana II, 161, 161f
Vırabhadrā ̄sana III, 172
Vırā ̄sana, 189, 189f, 190f
Vkāsana, 157
Psoas stretch, pelvis exercises,
122–123, 122f
Psychological aspects, mindfulness, 12–13
Pubis, 120

Quality of practice, āsana, 153
Quiet breathing, 224–225

Refined work
Adho Mukha Vkāsana, 207
Ardha Candrāsana, 165
Baddha Koāsana, 194
Bakāsana, 183
Bharadvājāsana I, 199–200
Halāsana, 215
Jānu Śır̄āsana, 196
Marıcyā ̄sana III, 197
Naarājāsana, 205–206
Parıghā ̄sana, 166
Parivtta Trikoāsana, 173
Pārśvottānāsana, 169
Śalabhāsana, 202
Sālamba Sarvāgāsana, 214
Sālamba Śır̄āsana, 210
Śavāsana, 219
Sukhāsana, 184
Supta Pādāgu hāsana, 212
Tāāsana, 154–155
Triag Mukhaikapāda Paścimottānāsana,
rdhva Mukha Śvānāsana, 201
U rāsana, 204
Utkaāsana, 175
Uttānāsana, 176
Utthita Trikoāsana, 159
Utthita Marıcyā ̄sana, 198
Utthita Pārśvakoāsana, 163
Viparı̄ta Karaı, 217–218̄
Vırabhadrā ̄sana I, 170–171
Vırabhadrā ̄sana II, 161
Vırabhadrā ̄sana III, 172
Vırā ̄sana, 189
Vkāsana, 156–157
Relaxation, 152
testing of, 22–23
Relaxed jaw, temporomandibular
joint, 108–109
Repetitions, basic exercises, 49
external, 36
internal, 36.
see also Breath/breathing; Exhalation;
Respiratory volume, breathing, 39–40
Resting poses, 6
Resting position, Prāāyāma, 44–45
Rhythm, breathing, 39–40
Rhythmic knee movement, 134
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