Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Index Index

Tāāsana (Continued)
refined work, 154–155
variations, 155
Takuan Sōhō, 12
Temporomandibular joint
tests for, 22
Temporomandibular joint exercises,
relaxed jaw, 108–109
tongue movement, 109, 109f
Thoracic cage, 37f, 38–39
Thoracic cage exercises, 68–75
caterpillar movement, 70, 70f
communicating with breath, 68–69,
68 f, 69f
finetuning rotation, 73–74, 73f
four-point kneeling, 74–75, 75f
rib wave, 69–70, 69f
supported forward-bending, 73, 73f
supported shoulder bridge, 71–72, 71f
supported side-bending, 72, 72f
supported supine resting position, 71,
71 f
Thoracic cavity, breathing, 38
Thoracic outlet, shoulder girdle exercises,
Thoracic side-bending, thoracic spine
exercises, 77–78, 77f
Thoracic spine exercises, 76–84
baby back-bends, 79–80, 79f, 80f
cat stretch, 84, 84f
four-point kneeling, 83–84, 83f, 84f
leaning over chair back, 81, 81f
the little boat, 78–79, 78f
mini-back bend, 76, 76f
rotation, 76
shoulder bridge, 82–83, 83f
shoulder bridge resting pose, 83, 83f
side-lying rotation, 76–77, 76f, 77f
sitting twist, 80, 80f
strong back, 81–82, 82f
thoracic side-bending, 77–78, 77f
rolling over, 146, 147f
spreading, 143–145, 143f, 144f
Tongue movement, temporomandibular
joint, 109, 109f
Tree see Vkāsana
Triangle, knee exercises, 138–139, 139f
Triag Mukhaikapāda Paścimottānāsana,
190–193, 191f, 192f
basic work, 192
props, 192–193, 192f
refined work, 192
Turn and bend, head exercises, 105, 105f
Turning the head, shoulder girdle
exercises, 88, 89f

Upaniads, 2
rdhva Mukha Śvānāsana, 200–202, 200f
basic work, 200–201
props, 201–202, 201f
refined work, 201
U rāsana, 203–204, 203f
basic work, 204
props, 174–175, 204
refined work, 204
Utkaāsana, 174–175, 174f
basic work, 175
props, 175, 175f
refined work, 175
Uttānāsana, 175–178, 176f
basic work, 176
props, 177, 177f
refined work, 176
variations, 177–178, 177f, 178f
Utthita Trikoāsana, 157–159, 158f
basic work, 158
props, 159, 159f
refined work, 159
Utthita Marıcyā ̄sana, 198–199, 198f
basic work, 198
refined work, 198
Utthita Pārśvakoāsana, 162–164, 162f
basic work, 162–163
props, 163
refined work, 163
variation, 163–164, 164f

Vairāgya, 3
Bakāsana, 183
Halāsana, 216–217, 216f
Pārśvottānāsana, 169
Parvatāsana in Sukhāsana, 186–188
Śalabhāsana, 203f
Sukhāsana, 185–186
Tāāsana, 155
Uttānāsana, 177–178, 177f, 178f
Utthita Pārśvakoāsana, 163–164,
164 f
Vırabhadrā ̄sana I, 171, 171f
Vırabhadrā ̄sana III, 172
Vırā ̄sana, 190, 190f
Vkāsana, 157, 157f
Vedas, 2
Viparıta Karā ı, 217–218, 217̄ f
basic work, 217
props, 218
refined work, 217–218

Vırabhadrā ̄sana I, 170–171, 170f
basic work, 170
props, 171, 171f
refined work, 170–171
variations, 171, 171f
Vırabhadrā ̄sana II, 159–161, 160f
basic work, 160
props, 161, 161f
refined work, 161
Vırabhadrā ̄sana III, 171–172, 171f
basic work, 172
props, 172
refined work, 172
variations, 172
Vırā ̄sana, 188–190, 189f
basic work, 189
props, 189, 189f, 190f
refined work, 189
variations, 190, 190f
Vkāsana, 156–157, 156f
basic work, 156
props, 157
refined work, 156–157
variations, 157, 157f
Vttis, 13

Weight-bearing exercises, feet exercises,
145–146, 145f, 146f
Wrist circumduction, 113, 113f
Wrist exercises, 112–119
carpal tunnel stretch, 113–114,
114 f
four-point kneeling variations,
118–119, 119f
integrated wrist mobilization, 115–116,
115 f, 116f
strong and flexible wrists, 114–115,
114 f, 115f
wrist circumduction, 113, 113f
Wrist mobilization, integrated, 115–116,
115 f, 116f
Wrists, tests for, 22

Yama, 3, 151–152
Yoga Sūtras, Patañjali, 2–3, 9–10
Yoga - The Path to Holistic Health
(Iyengar), 11

Zen tradition, mindfulness, 12
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