Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

  1. Basic exercises for the thoracic cage and ribs2. Basic exercises for the thoracic cage and ribs 2. Basic exercises for the thoracic cage and ribs2. Basic exercises for the thoracic cage and ribs

Exercise 2.7: Supported forward-

Aims: relaxing the intercostal muscles between the lower
back ribs and relaxing the area between the shoulder

  1. Kneel on a soft support, thighs close together,
    buttocks on your heels.

  2. Put a folded blanket on your thighs and in front
    of your knees on the floor.

  3. Bend forwards and adjust the blanket so that
    your costal arches are resting on it.

  4. Rest your forehead on the pillow so that your
    neck is relaxed.

  5. Place your arms beside your head, elbows
    slightly bent (Figure 6.49).

  6. Feel your middle back and the area between
    your shoulder blade widening with inhalation
    and softening with exhalation.

  7. Stay there for 3–5 breaths initially; with
    practice gradually increase this time as far as

  8. To come back put your hands on the floor
    beside your knees and push yourself upright
    into a kneeling position.

  9. Stay calm for a few breaths.

If you cannot kneel, perform the variation of
coachman relaxation on a chair (see exercise
1.8). Place the folded blanket underneath your
costal arches.

Exercise 2.8: Finetuning rotation

Aims: mobilizing and strengthening the thorax.

  1. Sit on the floor cross-legged or kneel with your
    buttocks on the heels or on a sufficient support
    between your feet (Figure 6.50) or sit on a
    chair with your knees together (Figure 6.51).

Figure 6.49

Figure 6.50

Figure 6.51
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