Yoga as Therapeutic Exercise: A Practical Guide for Manual Therapists

(Jacob Rumans) #1

The basic exercises

  1. Basic exercises for the thoracic spine 3. Basic exercises for the thoracic spine

  2. Basic exercises for the thoracic spine 3. Basic exercises for the thoracic spine

Variation b
Stretch your arms over your head and follow points
3–7 (Figure 6.64). Refine by rotating your arms
in different ways: palms facing each other, palms
towards the floor or towards the ceiling. By changing
the rotation of your arms you can feel the effect on
your shoulder blades, the area between the shoulder
blades, and the thoracic spine.
As a subtle variation that is less demanding but
develops awareness: lift only the right arm; feel the
least action you need to do to have an effect on the
thoracic area; try different rotations of the arm;
repeat with your left arm.

Exercise 3.6: Sitting twist

Aims: mobilizing the thoracic spine into rotation, bal-
ance of mobilizing and strengthening the thoracic spine.

  1. Sit cross-legged on the floor or on a pillow or sit
    on a chair with the knees and feet together.

  2. Adjust the pelvis to the neutral position so that
    your spine is in a natural, upright position; rest
    your hands on your thighs.

  3. With inhalation straighten up further,
    from your pelvic floor towards your chest,
    lengthening from the neck to the back of your
    head, and maintaining the position of the
    chin, with shoulders relaxed.

  4. Remaining firm on your sitting bones and
    maintaining the lift as described in point 3, turn to
    the right while exhaling, keeping the left hand on
    the right thigh (Figure 6.65), the right fingertips
    on the floor or on the chair or a brick; alternatively
    you can put your right arm around your back with
    the back of your hand on the body.

  5. Perform the lifting as described in point 3 as
    you inhale and gently rotate further with each
    exhalation 3–5 times; maintain the rotation you
    have reached whenever you inhale again.

  6. Turn your head to the right as far as the neck
    and throat are comfortable; keep your eyes soft;

stay there for 1–2 breaths; feel the rotation of
your head connecting to the rotation of your
upper thoracic vertebrae.

  1. Maintain the lifted position while you come back
    to the center.

  2. Rotate to the left, as described in points 3–7.

  3. To finish sit straight for a few breaths.

Refined work
Perform the sitting twist as described above; refine
by visualizing the rotation for one vertebra after
another, starting above the pelvis to below the neck;
during one exhalation about 2–4 vertebrae can be
covered. Feel the rotation of your head connecting
to the area between your shoulder blades.

Figure 6.65

Figure 6.64
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