SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Goals and Strategy for Maintenance

Developing a strategy for maintenance is a process, based on the
organizational goals and objectives. The strategy needs to be measured in
terms of success and progress with metrics. From there, it breaks down into
methods and specific activities which also need to be measured.

The strategy (and implementation) is influenced by company values, the
company culture, and finally the organization structure and technical

Figure 4 : Goals and Strategy for Maintenance

Vision: The achievable dream of what an organization or a person wants to do

and where it wants to go; a short and inspiring declaration of what the
organization intends to become or to achieve at some point in time.

Mission: An organization's purpose, a vision translated into written form. It is

the leader’s view of the direction and purpose of the organization. A Mission
statement should be a short and concise statement of goals and priorities.

Strategy: An action plan that sets the direction for the coordinated use of

resources through programs, projects, policies, and procedures, as well as
organizational design and the establishment of performance standards. It is a
plan based on the mission an organization formulates to gain a sustainable
advantage over the competition.

Asset Management Relationship of Terms

“The Asset Management System is the coordinated activities and practices
through which an organization optimally manages its assets over their

Figure 5 : Asset Management Relationship


▪ Anyone in the organization’s internal and external environment that
are affected by the organization’s decision and actions.
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