SMRP BoK Review Workbook

(mmpvcentral) #1

Organization and Leadership

Change Management - The process of bringing planned change to an

organization. Change management usually means leading an

organization through a series of steps to meet a defined goal.

Synonymous with management of change (MGC).

Culture - A common set of values, beliefs, attitudes, perceptions, and

accepted behaviors shared by individuals within an organization.

Cultural Change - A major shift in the attitudes, norms, sentiments,

beliefs, values, operating principles, and behavior of an organization.

Forming – The first stage in the team development model, in which,

most team members are positive and polite. Some are anxious, as they

haven't fully understood what work the team will do. Others are

simply excited about the task ahead.

ISO 55001 – An international standard that specifies requirements for

an asset management system within the context of the organization.

Knowledge Management – A system that is designed to capture the

explicit knowledge of a company’s employees, contractors and other

people working on-site on a permanent or temporary basis.

Leadership - An essential organizational role that must establish a

clear vision, communicate that vision to those in the organization, and

provide direction, resources, and knowledge necessary to achieve

goals and accomplish the vision. It may require coordinating and

balancing the conflicting interests of all members or stakeholders.

Management – The organization and coordination of the activities of a

business in order to achieve defined objectives

Norming – The third stage in the team development model in which,

when people start to resolve their differences, appreciate colleagues'

strengths, and respect your authority as a leader.

Organizational Culture - The beliefs and values that defines how

people interpret experiences and how they behave, both individually

and in groups.

Performing – The final stage in the team development model in which,

when hard work leads, without friction, to the achievement of the

team's goal.

Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed (RACI) – Describes the

participation by various roles in completing tasks or deliverables for a

project or business process. It is especially useful in clarifying roles and

responsibilities in cross-functional/departmental projects and


Storming – The second stage in the team development model where

people start to push against the boundaries established in the forming

stage. This is the stage where many teams fail.

Work Management

ABC – The method of classifying items involved in a decision situation

on the basis of their relative importance. Its classification may be on

the basis of monetary value, availability of resources, variations in

lead-time, part criticality to the running of a facility and other factors.

Asset Hierarchy – The segmentation of an asset base into appropriate

classifications. The asset hierarchy can be based on asset function;

asset type or a combination of the two.

Backlog – Work that is waiting to be completed. It can consist of

planned ready backlog or complete backlog.

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