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type of plastic. “A lot of waste gets rejected
because it’s been contaminated with plastic
or other materials that shouldn’t be in
there,” George says. Food packaging is
especially susceptible to contamination,
which hinders recycling. “This is a big
reason the value of the waste goes down,”
says George. “It can be contaminated by
just not being washed out.”
Removing the contaminants from the
rest of the material also causes problems:
according to a n a na lysis of recycling
contamination by analytics firm Croner-i,
attempting to remove a single contaminant
ta kes severa l k ilog ra ms of recyclable
material along with it.
The biggest thing you can do is be aware
of what can and can’t be recycled in your
local area, says George. Don’t assume that
something can be recycled just because it’s
plastic. “That definitely makes it worse,
because that can then potentially mean
that a whole collection then gets rejected,
and either incinerated or sent to landfill,”
she explains.

Reduce your food packaging

Every year, the average European citizen
throws out 30 kilograms of plastic food
packaging. There are the more obvious
offenders, such as a ‘cauliflower steak’ –
a single slice of cauliflower on a plastic
tray, in a plastic wrapping – but there are
many products that come unnecessarily
wrapped. Try buying fruit and vegetables
loose where possible. Waitrose announced
in June that a store in Oxford is trialling
a selection of packaging-free groceries,
including pasta and rice, beer and wine,
and some cleaning products, to encourage
shoppers to bring their own containers.
Also bear in mind that less packaging is
not necessarily better: recyclable material
is key. “If you know, then, which bits of
plastic can be recycled, it might make you

think at the checkout whether what you’ve
got in your basket is recyclable,” George
says. “If you’ve got a choice between two
items and one is in a container that you
can recycle and one is in one that you
can’t, go with the one you can.”

Single-use food packaging
isn’t always bad

Many foods can survive transportation
without being wrapped in plastic. However,
for certain foods, a cellophane wrapping
or a plastic container can vastly extend
shelf-life. Cucumbers, which last only
three days unwrapped, can stay fresh for
up to two weeks in a plastic wrapping.
New potatoes in a plastic bag last longer,
and keeping grapes in plastic containers
catches the fruits that fall off the stems,
reducing waste by 20 per cent.




byS A R A R I G B Y
Sara is the online assistant forBBC Science Focus. She has
an MPhys in mathematical physics.


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of that, it can’t be recycled. A 2018
Danish study found that a cotton bag has
to be reused over 7,000 times to have the
same environmental impact as a single-
use plastic bag. Take note, however, that
littering was not included in the study as
one of the environmental impacts.
Whatever you pick, the take-home
message is to use it as much as possible
until it falls apart.

Maximise your recycling

A 2018 study from the University of Leeds
found that only 16 per cent of household
plastics collected for recycling ended up
being sent for processing. According to Dr
Sharon George, lecturer in green technology
and environmental sustainability at Keele
University, many local authorities don’t
have the facilities to recycle all types of
plastic, and so much of the waste ends up
being incinerated in waste-to-energy plants
instead. “That plastic is going to at least
displace fossil fuels, and it’s not ending
up in the environment,” she explains.
According to George, we can make sure
that the right things are getting recycled by
being a bit more vigilant. Plastic recycling
can easily be contaminated with the wrong
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