Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1

112Natural systems and greenspaces

reservoirs may have little development ringing them so that semi-natural
shorelines help maintain clean water, viable aquatic ecosystems, fish popula-
tions, and fishermen.
In short, greenspaces are as rich in benefits to society as are built spaces, such
as commercial, industrial, high-rise residential, single-unit residential, and high-
ways. Many greenspaces, however, are inextricably tied to location. Buildings and
roads and parking lots can be built in many locations. In contrast, greenspaces
containing lakes, wetlands, rivers, floodplains, mountain slopes, and so forth
are solidly fixed on the land. Wisely arranging built spaces around greenspaces
is the planner’s and society’s challenge.
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