Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1

174Built systems, built areas, and whole regions

Number of major airports in urban region

Land cover subject to aircraft noise (%)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7







= Agriculture
= Built land
= Natural land

Figure 7.5Land-cover types subject to aircraft noise relative to number of major
airports. Percentage cover is the average for land extending approximately 5 km
(3 mi) out from both ends of major runways at major airports in the urban region.
The 5 km distance is based on Miller (2005).

closest one is rather distant, it is less convenient for travel to and from the
city and would tend to catalyze a connecting strip of development, serving as
abarrier to stream/river corridors and regional wildlife connectivity. However,
from air traffic and air pollution perspectives being further from the city is
good for a local/regional airport. Being distant is also good for a military airport
assuming that the many temporary personnel live nearby.
[S11]Most major airports are in cropland; a third of the regions have major airports
mainly in built areas, and 15 % mainly in natural land(Color Figures2--39).
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