Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Three plan options for the region 271

Table10.1Major differences in the three plan options for the Greater Barcelona Region



Plan Attribute provided by a plan
11 10 8Number of large natural-vegetation-patch emeralds
3+11 2+11 0+9 Connection types between emeralds: 1st number = reconnection
zones (stronger); 2nd number = ribbons
66 5Number of large food-producing areas
6+1 7+0 5+0 Number of agriculture-nature parks: 1st number = small; 2nd
number = large
21 17 13 Number of small (& medium in 1st plan) PEIN-protected areas
integrated into, or connected to, the emerald network
Much Much Some Streams across the GBRegion: improvement in aquatic ecosystems
and valuable refugia for biodiversity
Much Much Little Ter River and reservoirs: more clean water and reduced
nitrogen/phosphorus eutrophication problem
Much Much Little Foix reservoir: more clean water
Much Much Some Tordera River: more watershed area protected for nature, clean
water, and restored aquatic ecosystems
Much Some Little Llobregat R.: more clean water and restored aquatic ecosystems
Much Much Some Wetlands with wildlife and biodiversity: restoration in Tordera
and Llobregat floodplains/deltas and across the GBRegion
Some Some Little Coastal vegetation and undeveloped coastline: restoration
Some Little Little Marine littoral zone: restoration
Much Much Some Landscape connectivity across highways for wildlife & people
Much Much None Green-net protection in area of nearby growing municipalities.
Added benefits in specific areas within the GBRegion
YesYes No Garraf to Foix reservoir to Ancosa: green ribbon
YesYes No West and northwest of Garraf: threatened area strengthened
YesYes No Lower Anoia: some vineyard area protected with Penedes
YesYes No Ancosa-Miralles-Saburella area: 5 PEIN areas reconnected
YesYes No Serra de Rubio north of Igualada: new emerald established
YesYes No Vic Valley: protected against urbanization and fragmentation
YesYes No North or northeast of Vic Valley: two agriculture-nature parks
YesYes No El Moianes area: four small PEIN areas connected
YesYes No North of Montseny: reconnection zone protected
YesYes No Upper Tordera River Valley: reconnection zone protected
YesYes No East of Mataro; relocate rail line away from coastline
YesYes No El Prat/L’Hospitalet: river corridor with pearl
YesYes No Lower Llobregat: traffic rerouted for Great Park BarcaBarcos
YesYes No Llobregat delta: coastal resources protected as a whole
YesNoNoElFoix River: ribbon protection of waterway above reservoir
YesNoNo Collserola: eliminate threat of bisection/fragmentation
YesNoNoPrats de Llucanes area: ribbon protection of valuable stream
YesNoNoTer River watershed: extra protection for river and reservoirs
YesNoNo Eastern Valles: more area of agriculture and nature sustained
YesNoNo Santa Coloma area: ribbon protection of key Tordera stream
YesNoNo Maresma slopes: reduce steep-slope damage by greenhouses

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