Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Reflections two years later 277

(T) In view of urbanization trends over time, the string-of-pearls connection
type seems especially useful in the inner portion of the region.
(U) In view of urbanization trends over time, large underpasses or over-
passes where wildlife crossing of highways is a significant factor seem
most useful in the outer portion of the region.
(V) Consistent with the urbanization models and patterns of Chapter8,a
greater emphasis on channeling future development to satellite cities
seems valuable for the GBRegion.
(W) The seeds of destruction of the Penedes and Vic agricultural landscapes
are conspicuously planted, yet strong planning can prevent these valu-
able Catalunyan resources from mimicking the former Central Valles
productive landscape.
(X) In recognition of newer climate-change data and sea-level rise expec-
tations of 0.5 to 5+m, identifying low-elevation areas ripe for inunda-
tion and storm surges, and gradually replacing built structures there
with multiple-value wetlands, appear to be an increasingly important

Developments after plan completion
When nearing completion, the plan was presented to specialists and the
educated public at an evening presentation, with newspaper and television cover-
age in the following days. Several weeks later COAC, the professional association
of architects and planners, reported in its bulletin on the plan and presentation,
including one image of the proposed Great Park on the Llobregat floodplain.
Afewmonths later the final plan report was turned in on time, with reviews
and a few detailed revisions made shortly afterward. The report was trans-
lated into Spanish and published by a top quality Barcelona publisher, Editorial
Gustavo Gili, as a 150-page, attractively designed book. The book was presented
to the President, Chief Architect, and Mayor, who gave a formal talk about it to
other leaders and the public at a ceremony in the new city Forum. The book
wassold at bookstores in Spain, and I gave it some international exposure.
Some knowledgeable interested people read and absorbed the book’s themes
and solutions. Some leaders expressed support or reservations and some grass-
roots groups used it as support for their objectives. No big controversy erupted.
Broader government, political, and personnel issues also played a role in the
plan’s effect. The Mayor, with a considerable interest in the plan, had just been
reelected for another term. He encouraged key people in his administration and
mayors of surrounding municipalities to absorb the ideas and use the book,
and displayed it at expositions. The Chief Architect, as the prime catalyst and

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