Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Reflections two years later 279

(f) Some items facilitated or catalyzed by the plan moved rapidly ahead to
completion, e.g., a blue-ribbon panel report on the multi-sectoral effects
of climate change.
(g) Other items facilitated or catalyzed by the plan were initiated, such
as a group appointed to evaluate future transportation capacity needs
within the region which would then be fit to the spatial plan, work on
agovernment policy on biological corridors and connectivity, and work
on an urbanization policy for the public to consider.
(h) Some items previously on the table were energized or accelerated by the
plan, e.g., a land plan being discussed for the Barcelona metropolitan
area, a Catalan law of urban and land planning, a coastal zone land-
protection plan with specific spots protected, removal of illegal houses
on steep slopes especially on the eastern side of Collserola, and discus-
sion of creating a regional corporation or planning commission with
greater geographical coverage and mandate than the existing Barcelona
Regional planning organization.
(i) Some actions have occurred that are counter to the plan, e.g., expansion
of the Barcelona airport on the valuable delta.
(j) Some items consistent with the plan were not even in it, e.g., a large
proposed agricultural park in the Vallees.

Nature, food, water, and built areas
Consider examples of post-plan developments relative to these four key
themes of the plan. Progress in the nature or emerald-network area includes:
(1) acceptance of the basic emerald-network idea by several organizations/
agencies; (2) plans or progress for corridor connections both northwestward and
eastward from the Collserola Park; (3) protection of small lands by Sant Celoni
toincrease natural connectivity with Montseny northward and the Maresma
southward; (4) new corridor connection plans developed for several locations
from Collserola to Serralada Transversal; (5) building permits temporarily frozen
on the south side of Collserola; (6) accelerated building removal from steep slopes
in Collserola; and (7) proposals for wildlife and walkers’ overpasses to cross high-
ways in various locations.
The food portion of the plan apparently has mainly brought recogni-
tion of the threats to large agricultural landscapes, including: (1) Penedes
wine area threatened by industrialization, urbanization, and consequences of
apossible high-speed-train station; (2) lower Llobregat floodplain and delta
under a two-pronged threat, airport expansion and urbanization from adja-
cent municipalities; (3) towns north of Vic coalescing and pushing to link up
more explicitly with Vic; (4) an accelerated east--west France--Vic--Madrid highway

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