Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1
Good, bad, and interesting patterns in urban regions 307

Large semi-natural patch adjoining city or metro--area.Barcelona, Brasilia
(two, including much wetland), Edinburgh, Mexico City, Nairobi
(grassland), Philadelphia, Paris
Metro area closely surrounded by forest/woodland and its resources.Anchorage
(USA), Iquitos, Samarinda
Emerald network relatively well developed, though incomplete.Barcelona, San
Abundance of protected sites of biodiversity importance. Chicago, Philadelphia
Abundance of sites for one-day recreation or tourism.Barcelona, Chicago, Lon-
don, Seattle (USA), San Jose (Costa Rica)
Some Native Peoples’ lands protected. Edmonton, San Diego/Tijuana, Cairns
Different farmland-area types provide diversity of food products/socioeconomic
values.Barcelona, Rome, Sacramento (USA), Seville (Spain)
Relatively large wooded patches within cropland landscapes.Bamako, Moscow,
Market-gardening areas in proximity to city.Bangkok, Barcelona, Chicago,
Kagoshima, London, Nairobi, Portland
Agriculture--nature park for market-gardening and aquifer protection next to

Wat er

Drainage area around water supply ≥80 % forest/woodland/natural cover.
Boston, Canberra, Iquitos, Ottawa, Portland, Santiago, New York
Urban-region rivers and major streams mainly surrounded by natural vegetation
cover.Berlin, Erzurum, Iquitos, Samarinda, Ulaanbaatar
Large reservoir or lake mainly embedded in metro area.Brasilia, Canberra,
Madison (USA)
Natural vegetation abundant along the lakeshores present.Berlin, Sapporo,
Extensive wetlands near metro area.Buenos Aires, Miami, Beira (Mozam-
bique), Brasilia, Oslo

Transportation, development, industry, pollution

Public-transport commuter rail extending well beyond metro area.Berlin,
Chicago, Kagoshima, London, Philadelphia, Rome, Sapporo,
Bicycle parks and community (allotment) gardens near commuter rail stations
toserve city residents.Amsterdam, Utrecht
Transit-oriented development along a commuter rail line. San Diego, Sydney

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