Urban Regions : Ecology and Planning Beyond the City

(Jacob Rumans) #1

396 Index

pattern (cont.)
and spatial analysis
138 --42
pattern/process4, 239
goal to improve 224
paradigm 242
principle 248
pearls11, 250, 276, 331
Penedes251, 275
peninsula, city on 287
people67--8,see alsohuman,
with allegiance to
planet 316
area long populated by 8
capital of63, 64
climate change and 326
close to city center 180
committed to city life 12
community created by
unrelated 68
concentration of 68
consumption by
different 66
diverse 13
ecological footprint of
64, 65
and habitat removal 330
input/output of 318
linked to land, diverse
magnet for 97
movement of62, 168
natural resource for
and nature203, 211 ,
222,solution for
see alsonatural,nature
non-native species
carried by 331
occupying land 63
packed together 74 , 75,

in parks, movement of
by protected area 29
of a region 4
relocation of328, 329
and resources 244
with sense of place 343
spatial diffusion of 199
urban 97
with vision 345
waterscarcity and 332
working together 42
peri-urban area7, 10
pesticide78, 84, 110 , 323
petroleum, input/output for
Philadelphia, USA 146 , 197,
seeColor Figure 27
metro area 189 --90,
192 --4
radial transportation
line 172
unusual pattern 218
urban region206,
213 --15
phosphorus85, 96, 255, 257
physiography 180 , 200, 283
and urbanization 181 ,
pipe, water254, 255--6, 257
place27--8, 239, 341,see also
component of67, 75
forpeople 51
place theory203, 242
stability/change342, 343

vitality and meaning43,
plan28, 43, 74183 ,see also
planned, planning
forBarcelona Region 314
benefit of 270
of Chicago (1909) 12
city42, 44

completion, subsequent
to 277
comprehensive 280
conceptual 243
detail for emphasis
distinctive attribute for
foreach sector 245
regional48, 336
emphasizing a region
fine-scale 45
footprints and urban
region as system319
implementable247, 280
implementation and
initial step247, 248,
independent 274
land mosaic47, 48
forLondon 336
minimal268--70, 271
narrow-focus 28
puzzle-pieces 47
response to278--9
solid268--70, 271
and specific area or
issue5, 271
thinking changed by 281
translated/published 277
understandable 247
waterasatheme in 281
planet, allegiance to 316
change, beneficial 18
city43, 44
community44, 298
metro area obscured by
urbanization 289
trajectory approach 47
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