Actually, the nuclei are not stationary, but execute vibrations of small amplitude
about equilibrium positions; it is these equilibrium positions that we mean by the
“fixed” nuclear positions. It is only because it is meaningful to speak of (almost)
fixed nuclear coordinates that the concepts of molecular geometry or shape and of
the PES are valid [ 12 ]. The nuclei are much more sluggish than the electrons
because they are much more massive (a hydrogen nucleus is about 2,000 more
massive than an electron).
Consider the molecule H 3 +, made up of three protons and two electrons. Ab
initio calculations assign it the geometry shown in Fig.2.12. The equilibrium
positions of the nuclei (the protons) lie at the corners of an equilateral triangle
and H 3 þhas a definite shape. But suppose the protons were replaced by positrons,
which have the same mass as electrons. The distinction between nuclei and elec-
trons, which in molecules rests on mass and not on some kind of charge chauvinism,
would vanish. We would have a quivering cloud of flitting particles to which a
shape could not be assigned on a macroscopic time scale.
A calculated PES, which we might call a Born–Oppenheimer surface, is nor-
mally the set of points representing the geometries, and the corresponding energies,
of a collection of atomic nuclei; the electrons are taken into account in the calcula-
tions as needed to assign charge and multiplicity (multiplicity is connected with the
number of unpaired electrons). Each point corresponds to a set of stationary nuclei,
and in this sense the surface is somewhat unrealistic (seeSection 2.5).
2.4 Geometry Optimization..................................................
The characterization (the “location” or “locating”) of a stationary point on a PES,
that is, demonstrating that the point in question exists and calculating its geometry
and energy, is ageometry optimization. The stationary point of interest might be a
minimum, a transition state, or, occasionally, a higher-order saddle point. Locating
a minimum is often called an energy minimization or simply a minimization, and
0.851 Å 0.851 Å
0.851 Å
+ +
The H 3 + cation: 3 protons, 2 electrons
Definite geometry
make the masses of the
nuclei and electrons equal
No definite geometry
Fig. 2.12 A molecule has a definite shape because unlike the electrons, the nuclei are (relatively)
stationary (since they are much more massive). If the masses of the nuclei and the electrons could
be made equal, the distinction in lethargy would be lost, and the molecular geometry would
2.4 Geometry Optimization 23