Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Jensen F (2007) Introduction to computational chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, Hoboken, NJ,
    pp 358–360

  2. Thomas JR, DeLeeuw BJ, Vacek G, Crawford TD, Yamaguchi Y, Schaefer HF (1993)
    J Chem Phys 99:403

  3. A tour-de-force mainly experimental study of the IR spectrum of 1,2-benzyne: Radziszewski
    JG, Hess BA, Jr., Zahradnik R (1992) J Am Chem Soc 114:52

  4. (a) Komornicki A, Jaffe RL (1979) J Chem Phys 71:2150. (b) Yamaguchi Y, Frisch M,
    Gaw J, Schaefer HF, Binkley JS (1986) J Chem Phys 84:2262. (c) Frisch M, Yamaguchi Y,
    Schaefer HF, Binkley JS (1986) J Chem Phys 84:531. (d) Amos RD (1984) Chem Phys Lett
    108:185. (e) Gready JE, Bacskay GB, Hush NS (1978) J Chem Phys 90:467

  5. Galabov BS, Dudev T (1996) Vibrational intensities. Elsevier Science, Amsterdam

  6. Magers DH, Salter EA, Bartlett RJ, Salter C, Hess BA, Jr., Schaad LJ (1988) J Am Chem Soc
    110:3435 (comments on intensities on p 3439)

  7. Galabov B, Yamaguchi Y, Remington RB, Schaefer HF (2002) J Phys Chem A 106:819

  8. For a good review of the cyclobutadiene problem, see Carpenter BK (1988) In: Liotta D (ed)
    Advances in molecular modelling. JAI Press Inc., Greenwich, CT

  9. (a) Amann A (1992) S Afr J. Chem 45:29. (b) Wooley G (1988) New Sci 120:53. (c) Wooley
    G (1978) J Am Chem Soc 100:1073

  10. Trindle C (1980) Israel J Chem 19:47

  11. Mezey PG (1993) Shape in chemistry: an introduction to molecular shape and topology.
    VCH, New York

  12. Theoretical calculation of dipole moments: Levine IN (2000) Quantum chemistry, 5th edn.
    Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ, pp 399–402. (b) Measurement and application of dipole
    moments: Exner O (1975) Dipole moments in organic chemistry. Georg Thieme Publishers,

  13. McClellan AL (1963) Tables of experimental dipole moments, vol. 1. W. H. Freeman, San
    Francisco, CA, 1963; McClellan AL (1974) Tables of experimental dipole moments, vol. 2.
    Rahara Enterprises, El Cerrita, CA, 1974

  14. Bartlett RJ, Stanton JF (1994) In: Lipkowitz KB, Boyd DB (eds) Reviews in computational
    chemistry, vol 5. VCH, New York, chapter 2, p 152

  15. (a) Huzinaga S, Miyoshi E, Sekiya M (1993) J Comp Chem 14:1440. (b) Ernzerhof M,
    Marian CM, Peyerimhoff SD (1993) Chem Phys Lett 204:59

  16. Carefully defined atom charges can, it is said, be measured: Cramer CJ (2004) Essentials of
    computational chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, Chichester, UK, p 309

  17. The reason why an electron pair forms a covalent bond has apparently not been settled. See
    (a) Levine IN (2000) Quantum chemistry, 5th edn. Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ,
    pp 362–363. (b) Backsay GB, Reimers JR, Nordholm S (1997) J Chem Ed 74:1494

  18. E.g. (a) Electron density on an atom: Wheland GW, Pauling L (1935) J Am Chem Soc
    57:2086. (b) Pi-bond order: Coulson CA (1939) Proc R Soc A169:413

  19. (a) Mulliken RS (1955) J Chem Phys 23:1833. (b) Mulliken RS (1962) J Chem Phys 36:3428.
    (c) Levine IN (2000) Quantum chemistry, 5th edn. Prentice Hall, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ,
    pp 475–478

  20. Mayer I (1983) Chem Phys Lett 97:270

  21. L€owdin P-O (1970) Adv Quant Chem 5:185

  22. Reed AE, Curtiss LA, Weinhold F (1988) Chem Rev 88:899

  23. Mayer I (1995) email to the Computational Chemistry List (CCL), 30 March 1995

  24. Some examples: (a) General survey: Bridgeman A, Cavigliasso G, Ireland LR, Rothery J
    (2001) J Chem Soc Dalton Trans 2095.(b) Ruthenium complexes: Fowe EP, Therrien B,
    Suss-Fink G, Daul C (2008) Inorg Chem 47:42. (c) Simple sulfur compounds: Mayer I,
    Revesz M (1983) Inorg Chim Acta 77:L205

  25. Cramer CJ (2004) Essentials of computational chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, Chichester, UK,
    pp 312–315

  26. Leach AR (2001) Molecular modelling, 2nd edn. Prentice Hall, Essex, England, pp 79–83

References 385

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