Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

  1. Spartan is an integrated molecular mechanics, ab initio and semiempirical program with an
    input/output graphical interface. It is available in UNIX workstation and PC versions:
    Wavefunction Inc.,, 18401 Von Karman, Suite 370, Irvine CA
    92715, USA. As of mid-2009, the latest version of Spartan was Spartan 09. The name arises
    from the simple or “Spartan” user interface

  2. AMPAC is a semiempirical suite of programs. It can be leased from Semichem, Inc., http://, 12456 W, 62nd Terrace, Suite D, Shawnee, KS 66216,
    USA. As of mid-2009, the latest version of AMPAC was AMPAC 9. The name means Austin
    method package; cf. AM1

  3. MOPAC is a semiempirical suite of programs. It can be obtained from http://www., CAChe Research, CAChe Research LLC, 13690 SW Otter
    Lane, Beaverton, OR 97008, USA. As of mid-2009, the latest version of MOPAC was
    MOPAC2009. The name means Molecular Orbital Package, but is said to have been inspired
    by this geographical oddity: “The original program was written in Austin, Texas. One of the
    roads in Austin is unusual in that the Missouri-Pacific railway runs down the middle of the
    road. Since this railway was called the MO-PAC, when names for the program were being
    considered, MOPAC was an obvious contender”. See

  4. For Dewar’s very personal reminiscences of Austin see ref. 24, pp 111–120

  5. Dewar MJS, Zoebisch EG, Healy EF, Stewart JJP (1985) J Am Chem Soc 107:3902

  6. Note particularly ref. 8, p 662

  7. Reference [24], pp 134, 135

  8. Dannenberg JJ, Evleth EM (1992) Int J Quantum Chem 44:869

  9. Rocha GB, Freire RO, Simas AM, Stewart JJP (2006) J Comp Chem 27:1101

  10. Voityuk AA, Roesch N (2000) J Phys Chem A 104:4089

  11. Imhof P, Noe F, Fischer S, Smith JC (2006) J Chem Theory Comput 2:1050

  12. Nam K, Cui Q, Gao J, York DM (2007) J Chem Theory Comput 3:486

  13. Jomoto J, Lin J, Nakajima T (2002) J Mol Struct (Theochem) 577:143

  14. Winget P, Horn AHC, Selc ̧uki C, Bodo M, Clark T (2003) J Mol Model 9:408

  15. Stewart JJP (1989) J Comp Chem 10:221

  16. Stewart JJP (1991) J Comp Chem 12:320

  17. Dewar MJS, Healy EF, Holder AJ, Yuan Y-C (1990) J Comp Chem 11:541

  18. Stewart JJP (1990) J Comp Chem 11:543

  19. Ref. 24, p 185

  20. Holder AJ, Dennington RD, Jie C (1994) Tetrahedron 50:627

  21. Dewar MJS, Jie C, Yu J (1993) Tetrahedron 49:5003

  22. (a) Hehre WJ, Yu J, Adei E (1996) Abstracts of papers of the ACS 1996, 212, COMP 092;
    (b) Hehre WJ, Yu J, Klunziger PE (1997) A guide to molecular mechanics and molecular
    orbital calculations in Spartan. Wavefunction Inc., Irvine, CA

  23. Bosque R, Maseras F (2000) J Comp Chem 21:562

  24. (a) Zakharian TY, Coon SR (2001) Cobalt and nickel. Computers & Chemistry (Oxford)
    25:135; (b) Jemmis ED, Sharma PK (2001) Transition metal complexes of C 60 and C 70. J Mol
    Graph Model 19:256; (c) Ball DM, Buda C, Gillespie AM, White DP, Cundari TR (2002) Spin
    state of transition metal complexes. Inorg Chem 41:152; (d) Buda C, Burt SK, Cundari TR,
    Shenkin PS (2002) Technetium. Inorg Chem 41:2060; (e) Nemykin VN, Basu P (2003)
    Molybdenum and vanadium. Inorg Chem 42:4046; (f) Gorelski SI (2004) Review of semiem-
    pirical methods for transition metals. In: McCleverty JA, Meyer TJ (eds) Comprehensive
    coordination chemistry II, vol 2. Elsevier, Amsterdam, p 467; (g) Martinez R, Brito F,
    Araujo ML, Ruette F, Sierraalta A (2004) Comparison of PM3(tm) with CATIVIC, a new
    parameterized method. Int J Quantum Chem 97:854; (h) Buda C, Cundari TR (2004) De novo
    prediction of ground states. J Mol Struct (Theochem) 686:137; (i) Buda C, Flores A, Cundari
    TR (2005) De novo prediction of ground states. J Coord Chem 58:575; (j) Parada J, Ibarra C,
    Gillitt ND, Bunton CA (2005) Chromium derivatives of sucrose. Polyhedron 24:1002

  25. Cramer CJ (2004) Essentials of computational chemistry, 2nd edn. Wiley, Chichester, UK, 155

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