Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

whereeKSi are the Kohn–Sham energy levels (the KS orbitals and energy levels are
discussed later) andvXC(1) is theexchange correlation potential. For this closed-
shell system withnoccupied MOs, there arenequations, half the number of
electrons, as for the Hartree-Fock equations (Section, Eq. 5.47). The
expression in brackets is the Kohn–Sham operator,h^KS.IntheKSorbitalsand
the exchange correlation potential we arbitrarily installed here electron number
one, since the KS equations are a set of one-electron equations (cf. the Hartree–
Fock equations) with the subscriptirunning from 1 to 2n,overalltheelectronsin
the system. The exchange correlation potentialvXCis afunctional derivative
(recall that in deriving Eq. (7.23) we differentiated) of the exchange-correlation
energyEXC[r(r)]. The energyEXC[r(r)] is a functional ofr(r)andtheprocessof
obtainingvXCis functional differentiation;vXCis defined as




Here the differentiation is shown as being with respect tor(r), but note that in
Kohn–Sham theoryr(r) is expressed in terms of Kohn–Sham orbitals (Eq.7.22).
Functional derivatives, which are akin to ordinary derivatives, are discussed by Parr
and Yang [ 36 ] and outlined by Levine [ 37 ].
The KS Equations7.23can be written as

h^KSð 1 ÞcKSi ð 1 Þ¼eKSi cKSi ð 1 Þ *(7.25)

The Kohn–Sham operatorh^KSis defined by Eq.7.23; the significance of these
orbitals and energy levels is considered later, but we note here that in practice they
can be interpreted in a similar way to the corresponding wavefunction entities. Pure
DFT theory has no orbitals or wavefunctions; these were introduced by Kohn and
Sham only as a way to turn Eq.7.11into a useful computational tool, via the artifice
of noninteracting electrons, but if we can interpret the KS orbitals and energies in
some physically useful way, so much the better.
The Kohn–Sham energy Equation7.21is exact, but there is a catch: only if we
knew the density functionr 0 (r) and the functional for the exchange-correlation
energyEXC[r 0 ], would it give the exact energy. The Hartree–Fock energy equation
(Eq.5.17), on the other hand, is an approximation that does not treat electron
correlation properly. Even in the basis set limit, the HF equations would not give
the correct energy, but the KS equations would,if we knew the exact exchange-
correlation energy functional. In wavefunction theory we know how to improve on
HF-level results: by using perturbational or configuration interaction treatments of
electron correlation (Section 5.4), but in DFT theory there is as yet no systematic
way of improving the exchange-correlation energy functional. It has been said [ 38 ]
that “while solutions to the [HF equations] may be viewed as exact solutions
to an approximate description, the [KS equations] are approximations to an
exact description!”; Parr and Yang give a somewhat similar but more recondite

456 7 Density Functional Calculations

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