Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1

was"7.72 kcal mol"^1 or"32.3 kJ mol"^1. Note that the calculated solvation free
energies, terms (1) and (3), are free energydifferences, gas to solvent, estimated by
the program, and do not require time-consuming frequency calculations as is the
case for statistical mechanical calculation of free energies.
Term (2) calculated by the high-accuracy multistep CBS-APNO method
(Section was 341.2 kcal mol"^1 or 1426 kJ mol"^1. The Sackur-Tetrode
equation for the gas-phase entropy of the proton was mentioned in this regard, but
in fact the algorithm automatically handles this.
Term (3), calculated as for term (1) was"77.58 kcal mol"^1 or"324.6 kJ mol"^1.
Term (4), the solvation free energy of the proton was taken from experiment
as"264.61 kcal mol"^1 or"1,107 kJ mol"^1.
The free energy of dissociation in water follows (Fig.8.4):

DGdiss;s¼"DGsðÞþRCOOH DGhighþDGsðÞþRCOO" DGsðÞHþ
¼"ð" 32 : 3 Þþ 1426 " 324 : 6 "1107 kJ mol"^1 ¼ 26 :70 kJ mol"^1 :

From the usual relation of free energy to pKa(e.g. [ 46 ]), withRTat 298 K¼
2.478 kJ mol"^1 we get pKa¼26.70/2.303RT¼4.68. The experimental value for
acetic acid was reported [ 46 ] to be 4.75, for an error of only"0.07 pKaunit.
As Liptak and Shields point out, accurate values of gas phase deprotonation and
solvation energies are needed for reasonably accurate pKavalues. An error of 1 pKa
unit results from an error inDGof 1.36 kcal mol"^1 or 5.7 kJ mol"^1 , and an error of
0.5 pKaunit corresponds to an error inDGof only 2.9 kJ mol"^1. For some purposes
such an energy-difference error would be considered small, 1 kcal mol"^1 or 4 kJ

∆Gs(RCOO–) + ∆Gs(H+)


from gas phase



RCOO– g + H+^ g RCOO–s + H+s

∆Gdiss, s

free E of solvation of RFCOOH


Fig. 8.4 The principle behind the absolute method of calculating pKa. In this thermodynamic cycle
we wantDGfor dissociation of RCOOH in water (gdenotes gas phase andssolvent phase, water;
we refer to standard temperature and pressure free energy differences). The other terms are: (1)
"DGs(RCOOH), the negative of the solvation free energy of RCOOH (the solvation free energy
itself is negative); we takeDGof solvation as the free energy that one mustput in(a negative
quantity) to solvate a species, so going from solution to gas requires input of"DG(a positive
quantity). This quantity is calculated by a continuum method. (2)DGhigh, the gas-phase ionization
free energy of RCOOH, calculated by a high-level multistep method. (3þ4)DGs(RCOO")+
DGs(H+), the free energy of solvation of the anion plus the free energy of solvation of the proton.
The first term is calculated by a continuum method method and the second is an experimental value.
For conservation of energy:DGdiss,s¼"DGs(RCOOH) +DGhigh+DGs(RCOO")+DGs(H+)

532 8 Some “Special” Topics

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