Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1
The energies of the diradical and cyclopentane can be compared:


(Energy before frequency calculation (i.e. without ZPE)"195.0603078)

Zero-point correction 0.140164
Thermal correction to energy 0.147459
Thermal correction to enthalpy 0.148403
Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy 0.109777
Sum of electronic and zero-point energies "194.920144
Sum of electronic and thermal energies "194.912849
Sum of electronic and thermal enthalpies "194.911905
Sum of electronic and thermal free energies "194.950531


(Energy before frequency calculation (i.e. without ZPE)"195.1797025)

Zero-point correction 0.150327
Thermal correction to energy 0.155259
Thermal correction to enthalpy 0.156203
Thermal correction to Gibbs free energy 0.121800
Sum of electronic and zero-point energies "195.029375
Sum of electronic and thermal energies "195.024444
Sum of electronic and thermal enthalpies "195.023500
Sum of electronic and thermal free energies "195.057902

Cyclopentane Bond Energy

  1. The crudest value for this is based on the energies from the optimization step, i.e.
    without ZPE

" 195 : 0603078 "ð" 195 : 1797025 Þ¼ 0 : 119395 ¼ 313 :5 kJ mol"^1

  1. Using ZPE-corrected energies, i.e. 0 K enthalpies

" 194 : 920144 "ð" 195 : 029375 Þ¼ 0 : 109231 ¼ 286 :8 kJ mol"^1

  1. Using sum of electronic and thermal enthalpies, i.e. room-temperature (298 K)
    " 194 : 911905 "ð" 195 : 023500 Þ¼ 0 : 111595 ¼ 293 :0 kJ mol"^1

To improve the relative energies, a single-point perturbational calculation was
done on both species to correct for dynamical electron correlation. CASPT2N was
not available, and the CAS-MP2 method used here, with the 6-31G* basis, can lead
to suspect results [ 67 ]. Nevertheless, the values obtained for these two species seem

8.2 Singlet Diradicals 545

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