Computational Chemistry

(Steven Felgate) #1
(d) Perhaps the quickest way to get information on a specific molecule is from
this specific site:
NIST chemistry webbook. Options for specifying molecule include formula,
name, reaction, structure, energetics property (e.g. ionization energy, acidity).
(e) Density functionals from the Truhlar group
This may help one to cope with the plethora of acronyms of DFT functionals.

  1. From the Chemistry Biology Pharmacy Information Center, ETH, Zurich
    A long list of information and websites connected with computational chemistry.
    Leads to information on methods and software.

  2. The Cambridge Crystallographic data Centre; contains the Cambridge Structural
    Database, which has X-ray or neutron diffraction structures of more than
    500,000 compounds. Useful for comparing experimental and calculated struc-
    ture, and obtaining “guess” structures to initiate an optimization.

  3. This site allows one to select a basis set for a molecule (“391 published basis
    sets”), or for particular atoms in a molecule, and provides options of the format
    for various programs. Useful when the program being used lacks that particular
    basis set. A minor problem is that Gaussian requires its “outsider” basis sets to
    start with the element symbol, not the string of asterisks given here.

  4. Another basis set site (cf. 5 above): Pacific Northwest National Lab

9.3 Software and Hardware.................................................

9.3.1 Software..........................................................

These programs (“software suites”) and others are described in more detail in
the book by Young, above (albeit as of ca. 2001), and in a comprehensive list
on Wikipedia (below). These sources should be consulted for more information.
I mention here some that are particularly useful in a general-purpose sense, and
some more specialized programs that handle advanced methods which cannot
be implemented, or well-implemented, in more “general” programs. Some of the
programs do not have their own input/output GUI (graphical user interface). Many
of these can be found conveniently from a rather extensive list on Wikipedia, which
describes the program and gives quick access to its website by http etc.
The list here is alphabetical.

9.3 Software and Hardware 577

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