e-mail addresses. After the contest was over, I had to pay for the winner’s
session and package, but I received hundreds of names and e-mail addresses
of potential clients in exchange.
Of course, I didn’t let the opportunity to market to hundreds of specif-
ically targeted clients go to waste! I made everyone a winner! My poten-
tial clients may not have won the full glamour photography session and
package combination, but they won a free session during the months of
March and April. These months are typically my slowest months. I’m usu-
ally planning for the upcoming session season, or I’m out on the road
speaking and teaching. The camera room tends to be empty a few days a
week during this period. I gave away the glamour photography sessions to
keep the camera room busy. I knew that if I gave my time to my business,
Here is another example of digital enhancement. The “before” image (right) is
straight from the camera, and the “after” image (above) features another effect from