Ellie Vayo's Guide to Boudoir Photography

(Darren Dugan) #1
confidence and esteem as she loses weight. My job as a photographer was
not to impress a significant other; rather, I was entrusted with the job of
providing “a second opinion.” I was able to show Ms. Posner that she was
a beautiful person, both inside and out, with my photography. She is ac-
tively pursuing positive relationships, and I know that my work helped her
gain the confidence to start dating again.
Not every session will be a life-changing event; however, each session has
thepotentialto be a life-changing event! Don’t let personal opinions in-
fluence the outcome of your client’s session. You may make a huge differ-
ence in a person’s life and never even realize it. Remember, if you decide
to become a boudoir photographer, you are signing up to be much more
than a photographer. You are becoming a psychologist, a friend, and a

Our studio wardrobe includes a large
denim jacket. Denim never goes out of
style. The lighting for this image was
simple. A 750-watt light was shone into
an umbrella, and a silver reflector was
used to fill in the shadow side of the
woman’s face. No background light was

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