Ellie Vayo's Guide to Boudoir Photography

(Darren Dugan) #1
We keep a lot of materials, drapes, netting, etc., here at my studios. Net-
ting drapes create a beautiful effect when applied to the client. Experiment
with the position of the drapes to best accentuate your client’s positive fea-
tures. Drapes are great for hiding trouble spots or accenting points of
focus. When I started photographing boudoir sessions, I spent a lot of time
in the fabric stores. I still visit these stores to keep my inventory of fabric
fresh and in style. I categorize all of my fabrics by color and store them in
clear plastic boxes for easy access in my camera rooms. The only things I

Consider using a uniform or props that
she, or the portrait recipient, wears on
the job.

2. Preparing for the Session..

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