photographed these portraits on an
early morning at our local beach
sand dune area. The order was well
over $1,000, and it was well worth
the challenge.
Outdoor Sets.
I offer twenty-five different outdoor
sets at my studio. All of those sets
took years to create. Before you de-
cide to build even one outdoor scene
for your studio, it is a good invest-
ment to hire a landscape architect to
evaluate the space. When I pur-
chased my current building, the out-
door area had little more than weeds
and unruly trees. Even if you hire a
landscape architect, you need to
make sure that his plan works for
photography. Take sample images of
different areas of your lot at differ-
ent times of day to determine where
you have the most favorable lighting.
Each of these portraits was created at our outdoor waterfall set. Always use a tripod
and drag your shutter to make the most of moving water.