You can also build a nice selec-
tion of backdrops by purchasing
muslins. I use light tan, black, gray,
brown, light pastels, and more. In-
stall your backgrounds on a track
system for quick and easy changing.
Keep an eye out for interesting
6. Backdrops and Props.
out shopping at major retail estab-
lishments, yard sales, and estate sales
or antique stores for things that can
help create a great atmosphere in
your camera room.
Top left and right—Valentine’s Day is
another opportunity to sell your clients
on boudoir photography. We stock nu-
merous red backdrops and accessories
for this holiday. A little ingenuity goes a
long way toward maximizing your
budget and creativity. The rose-covered
backdrop shown on the right is a piece
of folding foamcore purchased at Of-
ficeMax, covered with red satin and net-
ting. We used a glue gun to affix the
roses. Turn to page 78 to see a trio of
portraits in which this backdrop was em-
ployed.Bottom left and right—Another
great set for boudoir (and high school
senior) sessions is the stone wall. If you
don’t have a real stone wall at your stu-
dio, you can purchase a rubber version
(right) from Denny Manufacturing.