6.2. Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table http://www.ck12.org
- What block to the lanthanides and actinides belong to?
- Use a periodic table to identify the block in which each of the following elements would be found.
a. rubidium
b. holmium
c. palladium
d. tellurium - Write the electron configurations for the following elements:
a. Na
b. Cl
c. Zr
Further Reading / Supplemental Links
- Winter, M. (1993-2011). WebElements: the periodic table on the WWW, from http://www.webelements.com/
Points to Consider
- Archaeological evidence suggests that people have been using tin for at least 5500 years. Tin is used to form
many useful alloys (mixtures of two or more metals). Bronze is an alloy of tin and copper, while solder is an
alloy of tin and lead. - Gallium melts near room temperature and has one of the largest liquid ranges of any metal, so it has found use
in high temperature thermometers. - Lead is a soft, malleable, and corrosion resistant material. The ancient Romans used lead to make water pipes,
some of which are still in use today. - Can you think of other elements which have similar uses to those listed here?