1.1 What is Chemistry?

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11.1. Chemical Equations http://www.ck12.org


Origins of Chemical Recipes: Gunpowder

The first people to discover gunpowder were 9thcentury Chinese alchemists. This discovery was made by accident
while they were creating various chemical mixtures in pursuit of an elixir that would make them immortal. The
first formulation of gunpowder was a thick toffee made from honey, saltpeter (a mixture composed primarily of
potassium nitrate), and sulfur. They hoped that eating it would help them live forever. In reality, it burst into flames
and burnt down their homes.

Over time, Chinese alchemists refined the recipe and began to develop early pyrotechnic technology to help scare
away evil spirits. A more fully developed, and more explosive, formula called for 75 percent potassium nitrate, 15
percent charcoal, and 10 percent sulfur.


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