1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

12.2. Stoichiometric Calculations http://www.ck12.org

Lesson Review Questions

  1. Aluminum reacts with oxygen to produce aluminum oxide according to the following equation: 4Al + 3O 2 →
    2Al 2 O 3
    (a) How many grams of O 2 are needed to produce 5 moles of Al 2 O 3?
    (b) How many grams of Al 2 O 3 are produced from the reaction of 5 moles of Al?
    (c) How many grams of of Al are needed to produce 86.0 grams of Al 2 O 3?

  2. How many grams of each reactant are needed to produce 0.500 mol of barium sulfate according the following
    equation? BaCl 2 + Na 2 SO 4 →BaSO 4 + 2NaCl

  3. How many grams of each reactant are needed to produce 28.6 grams copper (II) sulfide by the following
    reaction? Cu + SO 2 →CuS + O 2

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

  1. Stoichiometry Calculator: http://mmsphyschem.com/stoichiometry.htm

  2. Practice Balancing Chemical Equations:
    a. http://education.jlab.org/elementbalancing/index.html
    b. http://www.files.chem.vt.edu/RVGS/ACT/notes/scripts/bal_eq1.html
    c. http://gregthatcher.org/Chemistry/BalanceEquation/S

  3. Chemical equation balances: http://www.personal.psu.edu/jzl157/balance.htm

Points to Consider

  • Our study of masses and amounts, as described by a given chemical equation, has assumed that mass is
    conserved for all chemical processes. How might you determine experimentally that this is the case for a
    given chemical reaction?

  • So far, we have assumed that all of the reactants are utilized in the formation of products during each reaction.
    Can you think of a case in which one or more reactants would not be completely consumed?

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