1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

13.2. Liquids and Solids http://www.ck12.org


Crystal System Diagram
a = b 6 =c;α=β= 90°,γ= 120°

Lesson Summary

  • At the molecular level, the major difference between solids and liquids is based on how freely the particles
    can move within the substance.

  • Viscosity measures a liquid’s resistance to flow.

  • Surface tension results from the directional pull on surface molecules towards the interior of a liquid.

  • Adhesion and cohesion are demonstrated by liquids as they interact with the surface of a container.

  • Vapor pressure is the pressure resulting from the gas molecules above a liquid in a closed container at

  • Ionic, molecular, covalent, and metallic solids are characterized by the types of bonds holding the substance’s
    particles together in the solid form.

Lesson Review Questions

  1. Define viscosity. Give an example of how temperature influences viscosity.

  2. Define surface tension. Would you expect water to have a stronger or weaker surface tension than olive oil?

  3. Draw a picture of a liquid displaying adhesion and a liquid displaying cohesion in a glass jar.

  4. What does vapor pressure measures? Does vapor pressure increase or decrease as intermolecular forces when
    intermolecular forces grow stronger?

  5. What distinguishes crystalline and amorphous solids?

  6. List and define the four different types of crystalline solids.

  7. Order the four types of crystalline solids from lowest to highest melting point.

  8. Research to find one example for each type of crystalline solid, different from those provided in the text.

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

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