1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

14.3. Gas Mixtures http://www.ck12.org

  1. The total pressure of the mixture

  2. The partial pressure of each gas

  3. A gaseous mixture consists of 80 g of chlorine and 21 g of nitrogen. If the volume of the container is 11.2 L
    and the temperature is 273 K, calculate:

  4. The moles of each gas.

  5. The total moles of gas.

  6. The mole fraction of each gas.

  7. The total pressure of the mixture.

  8. The partial pressure of each gas.

  9. Compare and contrast diffusion and effusion. Does the aroma of a sprayed perfume represent diffusion or

  10. A sharp object punctures a bike tire. Explain which process is responsible for the loss of air from the tire that
    causes a flat.

  11. The mole fraction of CO in the air in a garage where a charcoal grill is operating can be dangerously high,
    about 5× 10 −^5. If the barometric pressure is 745 mm Hg, what is the partial pressure of CO in atmospheres?

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

Points to Consider

  • In this chapter, we investigated the properties of gases and gas mixtures. How do you think the properties of
    liquid mixtures might be similar or different from those of gas mixtures?

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