1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

15.1. Properties of Water http://www.ck12.org


Some types of candy, such as gummi bears or taffy, are amorphous solids. Table salt has a crystalline geometry.

Liquid Water –H

Liquid water is formed when water vapor condenses (i.e., H 2 O(g)→H 2 O(l) or when ice melts (i.e., H 2 O(s)→
H 2 O(l)). Because water is a molecular substance, it is a poor conductor of electricity in its pure form. However, as
we will see later, its conductivity can be improved by the addition of certain substances. Water molecules are polar,
and this overall polarity gives rise to many of the properties of water. For example, an interesting effect is seen when
water is placed in a static electric field, as shown in theFigure15.4 and the video below. This phenomenon can be
explained in terms of the polarity of water molecules.


Water bending in a field of static electricity
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