1.1 What is Chemistry?

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16.1. Solubility http://www.ck12.org


Have you ever wondered why it is easier to stir sugar into hot tea rather than into ice tea? Or, why no matter how
much you shake a jar of oil and vinegar, it always seems to separate? These observations can be explained by a
property of solutions known as solubility. In this section, you’ll learn how molecular structure and binding forces
contribute to the solubility properties of various solutions and mixtures.


Solubilityis the degree to which a given solute dissolves in a particular solvent. It depends on various factors,
including temperature and pressure. A common way to express the solubility of a given solute-solvent pair is to state
the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved by 100 grams of the solvent. The temperature dependence of
the solubilities for various compounds in water is shown inFigure16.1.


Solubility Curve for Ionic Solids
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