1.1 What is Chemistry?

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http://www.ck12.org Chapter 16. Solutions

  1. Calculate the boiling point and freezing point of a 1.0 molal NaCl solution.

  2. Calculate the boiling point and freezing point of a 1.0 molal aluminum chloride solution. Compare these
    values to the boiling and freezing points determined for the 1.0 molal NaCl solution in the previous question.
    Explain any differences.

  3. We want to prepare a solution in which the mole fraction of NaCl is 0.20. If the solution contains 80 grams of
    NaCl, how many grams of water are required?

  4. Calculate the mole fractions of both the solute and the solvent in a saturated solution of hydrogen sulfide in
    water at 20°C and 1 atm. Use the temperature-solubility curve in theFigure16.15 to determine the solubility
    of H 2 S.

FIGURE 16.15

Solubility-temperature relationship for
H 2 S

  1. How many grams of ethylene glycol (HOCH 2 CH 2 OH) must be added to 5.50 kg of water to lower the freezing
    point of the water from 0.0°C to -10.0°C? (This is approximately what happens when you put antifreeze in
    your car.)

  2. Vitamin K is involved in the mechanism by which blood clots. When 5.00 g of vitamin K is dissolved in 100.0
    g of camphor, the freezing point is lowered by 4.43°C. Calculate the molar mass of vitamin K. Kffor camphor
    is 37.7°C/m, and vitamin K is a molecular substance that does not dissociate into ions.

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