1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 2. Matter and Change

  1. Carbonated beverages contain carbon dioxide gas that is dissolved in solution. Do you think a carbonated
    beverage is a mixture or a pure substance? Explain.

  2. Classify each of the following as a chemical change or a physical change.
    a. Sugar dissolves in water.
    b. A peach rots.
    c. Icicles melt in the warm sunlight.
    d. A baking cake rises in the oven.
    e. A leaf changes its color in the fall.
    f. Food coloring is added to a glass of water.

  3. TheFigure2.14 shows two different mixtures. The mixture on the left is comprised of muddy water, while
    the mixture on the right is a mixture of sugar and water. Describe how you might go about separating out the
    components of each of these mixtures.


(left) Muddy water. (right) Sugar water.

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

Points to Consider

  • We have thus far assumed that elements cannot be broken down further into constituent parts. Is this com-
    pletely true?

  • What do you suppose elements are comprised of and how might you be able to distinguish or measure the
    components of an element?

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