1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

3.1. Units of Measurement http://www.ck12.org

3.1 Units of Measurement

Lesson Objectives

  • Distinguish between a quantity, a unit, and a measurement standard.

  • Distinguish between base units and derived units.

  • Perform calculations using the SI system of measurement, with the use of appropriate prefixes.

  • Name the SI units for length, mass, time, volume, and density.

  • Describe the concepts of magnitude and scale and how they relate to measurement.

  • Use scientific notation to report very small and very large numbers.

  • Be able to perform calculations with numbers that are reported in scientific notation.

Lesson Vocabulary

  • Systeme International (SI): A common metric system of units of measurement used by scientists.

  • base unit: A measurement that has its own independent scale and cannot be expressed in terms of other base

  • derived unit: A measurement that is a combination of base units.

  • conversion factor: A factor used in solving problems in which a certain measurement must be expressed with
    different units.

  • dimensional analysis: A technique that uses the units (dimensions) of the measurement in order to express
    quantities in the appropriate units.

  • scientific notation: A way to express very large and very small numbers as the product of two numbers: a
    coefficient and the number 10 raised to a power.

Check your Understanding

  1. What will it cost to carpet a room if the room is 10 feet wide and 12 feet long? The carpet costs $12.51 per
    square yard.

(a) $166.80
(b) $175.90
(c) $184.30
(d) $189.90
(e) $19.20

  1. What is the volume in cubic centimeters of the following cylinder, given that the lengths are expressed in

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