1.1 What is Chemistry?

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http://www.ck12.org Chapter 27. Glossary

27.2 B

balanced chemical equation
The number of each specific atom that exists as a reactant must equal the number of that atom in the products.

Instrument that measures pressure.

base unit
Measurements that have their own independent scale and cannot be expressed in terms of other base units.

Compounds which contain hydroxide ions.

Used oxidation-reduction reactions to generate electron flow which can be employed for useful work.

beta particle
This emission involves the conversion of a neutron to a proton (which remains in the nucleus) and an electron
(beta particle) which is ejected from the nucleus.

beta-pleated sheet
One basic form of secondary structure.

bimolecular reaction
Two different reactants interact to form products.

binary acid
Acids in which the acidic hydrogen atom(s) are bound directly to an atom other than oxygen.

binding energy
Energy that is released that holds the nucleus together.

boiling point elevation
If we dissolve a known amount of solute in a known amount of water and measure the boiling point of the
solution, the boiling point will be elevated.

boiling point
Temperature at which liquid transitions to gas.

Boyle’s Law
For a fixed amount of gas at constant temperature, the volume is inversely proportional to its pressure.

Can break or shatter without deformation.
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