1.1 What is Chemistry?

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27.5. E http://www.ck12.org

27.5 E

effective nuclear charge
When an electron is in a multi-electron atom, it produces this net positive charge.

Rate at which a gas escapes through a pinhole into a vacuum. Inversely proportional to the molar mass of the

elastic collision
Collisions are elastic. Momentum is conserved. No energy is lost through collisions.

Is a process that uses electrons to cause certain chemical reactions to occur.

electron configurations
Arrangement of all the electrons of that atom.

electron shielding
As more electrons are added to a nucleus, the outer electrons become shielded from the nucleus by the inner
shell electrons.

Negatively charged and has a very small mass compared to the mass of other subatomic particles. Electrons
were initially called cathode rays.

Electronegativity (EN) is a measure of the relative tendency of an atom to attract electrons to itself when
chemically combined with another atom.

Substances that cannot be decomposed into simpler substances by chemical or physical means.

empirical formula
The smallest whole number ratio of the numbers of atoms in a compound.

emulsifying agent
A substance that inhibits coagulation of colloidal particles and covers the particles of the dispersed phase.

If there are liquid-dispersed particles in liquid phase.

endothermic reaction
A reaction that requires heat for the reaction to take place.
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