1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

http://www.ck12.org Chapter 27. Glossary

27.10 K

Kelvin scale
Which is also referred to as the absolute temperature scale, defines absolute zero as the lowest theoretically
possible temperature, which means that temperatures expressed in Kelvin cannot be negative numbers.

kernel electrons
Interior electrons.

Has a structure similar to that of aldehydes, except the ketone has two R groups attached to the carbon
containing the C=O bond. Reactions of aldehydes and ketones are sometimes similar.

kinetic energy
The energy of motion. Kinetic energy increases as the molecular mass increases and as the velocity of the
particle increases.

kinetic-molecular theory
Makes the following assumptions: 1. Gas particles are in constant, random motion. 2. The volume of gas
particles is negligible in comparison to the volume of the container. 3. There are no attractive forces involved
between gas particles. 4. Collisions of gas particles are elastic –no energy is lost. 5. The speed of a gas
particle is proportional to the temperature of the system.
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