1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

27.18. S http://www.ck12.org

specific heat
The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of one gram of material by one degree Celsius.

spectator ion
Ions that do not participate in the overall reaction.

Occurs without outside intervention.

standard enthalpy of formation
For any element in its most stable form it is zero. Can be calculated indirectly if the∆Hfvalues for each
reactant and product are not known.

standard temperature and pressure (STP)
The number of moles of a gas was related to volume at a specific temperature and pressure. The temperature
was established at 25°C and the pressure at one atmosphere –these conditions are known as STP. Under these
conditions, it was determined that 22.4 liters of a gas comprised one mole of that gas. With this information,
we can determine amounts of a gas given the volume at STP.

Organic compound that has a precise organization of four joined cycloalkane rings.

stoichiometric coefficient
In the formula aA+bB→cC+dD, letters a, b, c, d are stoichiometric coefficients. This formula can describe
any chemical reaction, where A and B are reactants and C and D are products.

Area of chemistry that deals with the calculation of amounts of substances in a chemical reaction based on the
balanced equation.

strong acid
Ionizes completely in solution.

strong base
Ionizes completely in solution.

When the amount of solute dissolved exceeds the solubility of the solute. Occurs when a solution is saturated
and the temperature slowly drops.

surface tension
The amount of energy required to increase the surface of a liquid.

A heterogeneous mixture in which some of the particles settle out of the mixture upon standing.

The chemical reaction in a container.

systeme international (SI)
An international governing body developed this metric system of units of measurement for scientists.
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