1.1 What is Chemistry?

(vip2019) #1

4.2. Structure of the Atom http://www.ck12.org

Lesson Review Questions

  1. What id Crookes discover in his cathode ray tube experiments?

  2. Describe the atom using Thomson’s plum pudding model. Draw a picture of this model.

  3. How did Millikan set up his oil drop experiment?

  4. Describe how Roentgen took his first x-ray.

  5. How did Rutherford’s gold foil experiment contradict the plum pudding model of the atom?

  6. What is the modern view of the nucleus and its composition?

  7. Sketch a modern view of the atom indicating the locations of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

  8. List the properties of electrons, neutrons, and protons.

Further Reading / Supplemental Links

Points to Consider

  • In this lesson we learned that neutrons and protons in the nucleus have similar mass. How might we measure
    the amount of mass contained in different elements?

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