Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1

or a continuation of the sequence of rooms is suggested by
mirrors. The enfilade reinforces the impression of being able
to take in the entire sequence of rooms all at once. Playing
a decisive role in contradistinction to the spatial > axis is
the explicit articulation into spatial segments. When striding
along, the dramaturgical effect of the > sequence is rendered
effective by the contrast created by changing room heights
and widths and by the varying characters of the rooms
(> rhythm). When we look into depth, the dividing walls ap-
pear through the openings as a sequence of interlocking pic-
tures, each of which provides a view of a characteristic section
of the individual room, if only in the form of a series of vari-
ously designed frames.
If the connecting passageways lie along the window wall,
while the rooms expand primarily along the other side, one
walks with the light to the rear as though past compartments;
this mode of regulation causes the enfilade to seem almost as
though it were especially conceived for viewing palaces. In
organizing an apartment, the enfilade structure makes it pos-
sible to generate a hierarchy of degrees of privacy, for instance
in princely residences, where we find the sequence of ante-
chamber, audience chamber, bedchamber, cabinet and dress-
ing room, and where the articulation into spatial segments
forms a scale of degrees of > accessibility. On the other hand,
each individual room is susceptible – even when the doors are
closed – to being entered from the adjacent ones (> access),
which restricts its privacy and subordinates it to special con-
ditions of communication.

> door and gate, ingress and exit, intermediate space, thresh-

In the theatre, an actor makes an entrance when he or she
walks out onto the stage, entering the stage and appears pub-


Entrance (theatrical)

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