Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1


It is possible to distinguish two types of field character; ef-
fective between masses in one case is a kind of ‘gravitation’
(> force field) (1), while decisively in the other is primarily the
position of the figures on a ‘playing field’ (2).

  1. ‘A field theory of architectural space’ describes the ef-
    fects of perceptual forces between architectural forms. Rudolf
    Arnheim (1977/2009, 16ff.) uses the term ‘field’ for architec-
    ture here in a way that is analogous to other field theories.
    According to him, a field is not merely a planar territory;
    arising from it are potentials, forces and field qualities. In ar-
    chitectural perception, forces of attraction and repulsion be-
    tween architectural bodies or states of pressure and tension
    between the walls of a room are perceived as a field of en-
    ergy gradients. This play of forces, as an essential component
    of perception, permeates the field where forms, architectural
    bodies and spaces are interrelated. We can imagine the rela-
    tionship between them as a dynamic structure within which
    each individual element occupies a specific position by virtue
    of its form, dimensions and alignment, and confronts other
    elements with its own mass. Dominance, connectedness, con-
    frontation, and the drive towards expansion are perceptual
    forces that are effective between architectural elements within
    a field. Within this force field, each element influences the oth-
    ers, and in particular the spatial relationships between them.
    On this field, we are corporeal figures that likewise par-
    ticipate with our bodies in the play of forces. Large architec-
    tural masses exercise a kind of gravitational force on other
    masses, and on our bodies as well. Existing between building
    fronts that face one another are fields of tension to which we
    are exposed when we occupy the intermediate space. Con-
    vex forms are surrounded by concentric force fields through
    which they press towards us. Concave forms take us into
    their embrace. Also active as players, so to speak, on this field
    alongside human protagonists, are buildings. If a building is
    removed or a new one added, all of the existing relationships
    may be displaced as though on a chessboard when a pawn is


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