Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1


delimit, shape and link spaces together by means of openings.
In China and Japan, this phenomenon is referred to as ma;
according to this principle, spaces and places acquire their
nature from the in-between, from the emptiness between
graspable, material elements. While space derives its value
from emptiness, structural elements – even when they are flat

  • possess bodies (> body, architectural) that consist of mass.
    Thus the empty space essential for rooms is produced through
    its complementary relationship with these bodies.
    If we consider the spaces between bodies and those with-
    in bodies as a unified medium, then we speak of a ‘continu-
    ous space’ (Hoesli 1997), or of the > space-body continuum
    of architecture. But built space is not spread out in front of
    us as a separate reality; instead, architectural space encom-
    passes structural elements and inhabitants alike as a total
    situation. Space – as it is explicated by various theories – ap-
    pears in a multitude of ways. Decisive, for example, is the
    notion of space as an expended sphere of the human > body,
    as a spatial volume that serves as a radius of movement. The
    expansion of perceptual space is dependent upon the materi-
    ality of spatial delimitations, which provides stability to the
    range of the senses and the > extension of > personal space.
    In perception, we experience space not as neutral, but as in-
    fluenced by > force fields. Since > movement is an essential
    moment of architectural experience, our scope of movement

  • which we experience through kinaesthesia – plays a special
    role. If space is regarded as a texture of > places, then its

    routes become a connecting network of places that consti-
    tutes a hodological space (a route space). From the perspec-
    tive of > use, the space of action appears as a system of spatial
    positions that are important for action. It is extended in the
    social and political realm, which emerge through the actions
    of people and their social interrelations. The > atmosphere
    which permeates in architectural space converts it into an at-
    mospheric space. All of these conceptions of space, despite
    their different emphases, share the way in which the relation-

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