Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1


tures, and interiors within them – are broken up. Passages
or > arcades, for example, verandas, > galleries or courtyards
are > intermediate spaces within architectural bodies; they are
not sharply delimited by outer walls, but only partially built
around/over, or only partially closed due to the presence of
perforations, which lie half inside and half outside. This is
accompanied by flowing transition between the public and
private character of these spatial intersections.

  1. An additional type of space-body continuum becomes
    recognizable through the relationship between various scales.
    On the uppermost scale, the cityscape is a figure surrounded
    by the open landscape, a phenomenon that is displayed espe-
    cially incisively in the military fortifications of historic towns.
    On a smaller scale, gardens, squares and streets constitute the
    outer spaces that serve architectural ensembles – whether ur-
    ban blocks or freestanding > monument – as a background.
    Within a complex, in turn, a courtyard constitutes the outer
    space that confronts an individual building or structural com-
    ponent. Within a building, this sequence continues, as indi-
    vidual groups of rooms alternate as bodily masses with empty
    spaces through > incorporation and > inversion. The indi-
    vidual enclosed rooms and spatial complexes in their various
    dimensions always emerge simultaneously as bodily masses
    and in relationship to one another. In traversing the city and
    its buildings, passersby shift from scale to scale between ar-
    chitectural bodies and spaces.
    Literature: Hoesli 1997; Hofer 1979; Merrill 2010; Schu-
    macher 1926

> personal space

If a > wall is sufficiently thick and contains cavity spaces, ob-
jects may be stored in it, and it may even accommodate hu-
man activity. Between its inner and outer wall surfaces, a

Space bubble

Space-containing wall

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