Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1


> body (human), form character, ground, postures, symmetry
> form character, movement, structure, tectonics
> ascent, intermediate space, plane, Raumplan, stairs
> axis, movement, route, square and street, urban design

In describing structure, we allow the gaze to glide between
objects, so to speak. It is a question now not of the elements
and forms in and of themselves, not of the rooms, structural
elements or buildings, but of the relationships between them.
The whole is composed of independent parts, between which
recognizable relationships exist. A typical form of relatedness
in architecture is the structural texture. While the > spatial
structure characterizes the assembly of the rooms within a
building or of public squares within a city, the construction is
responsible for the assembly of the component parts. In order
to clarify the assembly of parts in design terms, those places
where they converge receives emphasis as joints, hinges, or
connecting links or joining pieces, accompanied at times by
changes of material. Such measures clarify the structural
assembly of the architecture visually on various levels, and
render it readable in a differentiated way.
On a more abstract level, structure characterizes not
transitions between elements, but their relationship and their
> composition. Here, it is a question not of concrete form,
but of a system of relationships that underlies their assembly,
which is not immediately visible. In this sense, the structure
is an abstraction. A structural approach, then, also means an
awareness of the exchangeability of individual positions and
interlinkages within a structural configuration. Articulated in
structure are characteristics of an architectonic layout that
are only indirectly perceptible in a building’s appearance and
workmanship. One and the same structure may correspond
to diverse concrete design formulations; in this sense, struc-
ture is related to > type. Because it closes itself off to direct
experience behind the concrete appearance of architecture, a



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