Fundamental Concepts of Architecture : The Vocabulary of Spatial Situations

(avery) #1


through the twilight atmosphere of the > spaces of resonance
of chambers, or beneath ceilings and vaults, or through the
attraction exercised by a light-filled opening – which may
also seem to guide us in space – within the dark depths of a
room. Perception of a variegated spatial articulation in depth
requires a continuous accommodation of the eye, a sensory
activity that corresponds to mental activity. ‘The notion of the
depth of thoughts is derived from physical depth.’ (Arnheim
1972, 232)
Spatial layers that are staggered into depth may be in-
serted between > inside and outside by means of > intermedi-
ate spaces such as loggias, verandas and > arcades, thereby
effecting a graded transition. Produced for the sake of move-
ment is the experience of the depth of a spatial structure
through the > layering and staggering in succession of rooms
that must be traversed in order to reach a goal. The act of
traversing a > sequence of preliminary stages heightens the
drama of approach and the significance of the goal that is
ultimately attained. Examples are found in Egyptian temple
architecture, with its entrance halls and multiple passage-
ways, whose centre is the inner sanctum. Present here, how-
ever, is an axial directionality into depth.
The staggering of elements into depth and the use of axes
leading into depth and of receding sequences of rooms are
devices for articulating the structure of buildings and cities
in depth; they guide us towards destinations and centres, pre-
scribing > routes towards goals. But there are also experiences
of spatial depth that involve penetrating into a nebulous depth
hesitantly by feeling one’s way forward. Here, directionality
is not prescribed by an axis, nor by the coherent staggering
of elements. Now, we do not transgress explicit boundaries in
order to traverse a building or a city in depth, layers are not
penetrated in order to arrive at a centre or an interior space.
Prevailing instead is a ‘soft’, flowing transition between inside
and outside. The configuration of depth in the form of the
folding (> fold) or convolutions of overlapping layers remains
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