Green Chemistry and the Ten Commandments

(Dana P.) #1

  1. After inspecting Figure 8.2, suggest why air in the troposphere mixes only slowly
    with that in the stratosphere.

  2. What chemical species in the stratosphere is essential for life on Earth?

  3. What starts a photochemical reaction? What is it called when a series of photochemical
    reactions continues?

  4. What is a free radical?

  5. In what two important respects may very small particles participate in atmospheric
    chemical processes?

  6. In what respect does the radiation by which Earth loses energy differ from that by
    which it gets energy from the sun?

  7. What are two catastrophic events that could cause a sudden cooling of Earth’s

  8. How is water vapor involved in moving energy through the atmosphere?

  9. Distinguish among the terms meteorology, weather, and climate.

  10. What do clouds consist of? What must happen before rain falls from clouds?

  11. Why is there essentially no atmospheric chemistry involving elemental nitrogen gas
    in the atmosphere?

  12. Cite an atmospheric chemical condition or phenomenon that shows that the O 2
    molecule is easier to break apart than the N 2 molecule.

  13. In what respect are elemental nitrogen and oxygen green elements?

  14. Give a chemical reaction that produces oxygen that can be used for emergencies.

  15. What are two major classes of atmospheric particles based upon how they are

  16. What is the source of fly ash?

  17. Suggest why lead has become less of a problem as an atmospheric pollutant in recent

  18. What is a radioactive element that can get into indoor spaces from underground

  19. What is an atmospheric phenomenon caused most prominently by particles 0.1 μm–
    1 μm in size? Why are very small particles especially dangerous to breathe?

  20. List six means of controlling particle emissions.

  21. What is the major health effect of carbon monoxide?

Chap. 8. Air and the Atmosphere 221
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