Ethics in Higher Education: Values-driven Leaders for the Future

(Romina) #1

186 Ethics in Higher Education: Values-driven Leaders for the Future

Odora Hoppers C.A. (2002): Research on Indigenous Knowledge
Systems: The Search for Cognitive Justice as a Fraternal Act. Unisa
Annual Faculty Of Education Seminar: Research in the Faculty of
Education. Senate Hall: 13 September 2002.

Odora Hoppers C.A. (2002): Indigenous Knowledge and the Integration
of Knowledge Systems: Towards a Conceptual and Methodological
Framework. In Odora Hoppers C.A. ed. 2002. Indigenous Knowledge
and the Integration of Knowledge Systems. Towards a Philosophy of
Articulation. Cape Town. New Africa Books, 2-22.

Saul J.R. (1993): Voltaire’s Bastards: the Dictorship of Reason in the
West. Toronto Penguin Books.

Saul J.R (2014): the Comeback. Toronto. Penguin Canada books, 7-11.

Shiva V. (1997): Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge.
Boston. South End Press.

Unesco (2000): Science for the Twenty First Century. A New
Commitment. The Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific
Knowledge. Paris. UNESCO.

Venter (1997): When Mandela Goes. The Coming of South Africa’s
Second Revolution. London. Transworld.

Zinn H. (1999): A People’s History of the United States: 1492-Present.
New York. Colin Harper, 8-9.

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